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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 16, 1793

Remarks Saturday 16th February 1793 Towards Port Morant

 1 pm: Fair Weather. Working to Windward for Port Morant.

 4 pm: Bowden Hill N3W lying on the East side of Port Morant Harbour. East End of Jamaica N47°E off Shore 4 or 5 Miles.

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Ventilated with the pumps as usual.

 7 pm: At Sun Set Yellows bore W¾S and Bowden Hill N3°W 1 Mile from the Harbour.

12 mid: Spent the Night under Sail

 8 am: Extremes of the Land W½S to NE½N, Rocky point NbW about 2 Miles. Wind too scant to lie into the Harbour.

10 am: At 10 stood in & hauled round the East Point Harbour Tacked House and Clift in one.

11 am: At 11 Anchored in 7 fathoms. Hoisted out the Boats & warped further into the Harbour. Fine Weather. Pinnocks House NEbE½E ¾ Mile. A Ship should lie up NbW at least to lead into the Harbour.

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