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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2010-03-16

Bligh Notebook
P. 69 - 31 May 1789 Remarks 2

now made their appearance on the Main Armed with a Spear & another weapon. They made signs to come on shore but as my situation was not elligible I did not choose. They waved branches of some Tree or Bush as sign of Friendship but there were some of their other motions less friendly.– A larger Party we saw coming from a disce. back I therefore steered on for an Isld. farther off bearg At 8 O'Clock we landed to get what the Isld. produced — From whence the Main bore WbN 3 leags. to S½E 4 Miles full of milk white sand Hills. No mountainous land to be seen at the back. The Natives were jet Black & seemed to have rather bushy hair or wool. I do not think their talk or voice was like Van Diemens land in habitants. Two Islds. lay off the North part of the Main in sight. — The Islds. in general are from ½ Mile round to abt. 2 miles. Found water in Hollow & an old
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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