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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2010-03-13

Bligh Notebook
P. 70 - 31 May 1789 Remarks 3

Cannoe abt. 33 feet long bottom up made of three peices with a sharp head a little carved in resemblance of a Fishes head — & three feet wide – I suppose could carry 20 Men— All the country is like Dampiers descript. of it. This Isld. of a moderate height very Rocky & only Shrubs & wire Grass. The Tide appears to rise here about 4 or 5 feet. — I went on the heights but saw no land more to the North than West Several Ilds. lay to the E & SE & some NbW½W Parties return'd at Noon with some fine Meat oysters & Clams & Dog Fish, Squibs. Began to Cook Dinner At Noon I found by Good Observation the latd. of this place 11°:58′ So. & Longd. by Acct- 144°·29′ E — A Tide or Current has set in our Favor 17 Miles North a little westerly —
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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