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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 68 - 31 May 1789 Remarks 1

Rems Having eat our Dinners & every thing ready for our departure I read prayers & returned thanks for our safety. – Just as I had done about 20 Natives came down on the opposite which I find is the Main. They were Black and Armed with spears. I therefore left the Place lest some cannoes & others might come & surprise us being unarmed. — They waved & made signs & hallowings I steered for the Isld. seen NbW & from thence at dark abt. 8 O'Clock I was abreast of Fair Cape Before sun down no land could be seen with out it I therefore concluded the coast inclined to the NW & WNW & steered accordingly, but I found I was mistaken & was obliged to keep hauling to the North as I met with low land & found I was embaying myself. At day light I found the appearance of the country all changed being all low, some nothing but white sand Hills & the rest not a very fertile appearance: however there were in many places Trees & small Wood. Several Islds. now lay to the North & East and I took a channel between the nearest & the Main abt. 1 Mile across leaving the Islds. on the starbd side – some of these were very pretty spots & well situated for Fishin Many of which we sailed through but could catch none. – Seven natives
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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