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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 44 - Prayer Part 1

Prayer. O Lord our heavenly Father almighty and everlasting God asterisk [*], who has safely brought us to the beginning of this day; In and through the merits of our blessed Saviour through whom we are taught to ask all things,–We thy unworthy Servants prostrate ourselves before thee & humbly ask thee forgiveness of our sins and Transgressions We most devoutly thank thee for our preservation & are truly conscious that only through thy Divine Mercy we have been saved – We supplicate thy Glorious Majesty to accept our unfeigned Prayers & Thanksgivings for thy gracious Protection. Thou hast shewed us wonders on the Deep, that we might see how powerfull & gracious a God thou art; how able & ready to help those who trust in thee.– Thou hast given us strength & fed us & hast shewn how both Winds & Seas obey thy command, that we may learn [* An insertion appears on page 3 of the prayer and reads, "Receive us this Night into thy almighty protection." ]
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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