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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 45 - Prayer Part 2

even from them to hereafter obey thy holy word and to do as thou hast ordered. We bless and glorify thy name for this thy Mercy in saving us from perishing, and we humbly beseech thee to make us as truly sensible of such the thy almighty goodness that we may be always ready to express a thank- fullness not only by our Words, but also by our lives by in living more obedient to thy Holy Commandments.– Continue o Lord we beseech thee, through the mediation of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, this thy goodness towards us.–Strengthen my mind & guide our Steps. Grant unto us health & Strength to continue our Voyage, & so bless our miserable morsel of Bread, that it may be sufficient for our undertaking. O Almighty God relieve us from our extreme distress, such as Men
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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