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Revised Jun 27 2021

Bounty Logbook Dec 18-23, 1787


Week DaysMo DaysWindsRemarks at Spithead
Dec. 1787
Moderate and Cloudy with Strong Gales and Squally with Rain in the latter part. At 9 A.M. Weighed and Sailed up to Spithead and Anchored in 12½ fms. Veered ½ a Cable. The Royal George NWB½W ½ a Mile and South Sea Castle NNE½E. Most of the Large Ships gone into the Harbour. Admiral Lord Hood Vice of the Blue the Command.
Wednesday19WestlyFresh Gales and some Rain. A.M. sent the Best Bower Cable on Shore and had it Condemned. Dryed Sails and Cleaned Ship below. Ships Draught of Water Foreward 12Ft. 6In. Aft. 12Ft. 4In.
Moderate Gales and Cloudy Wr. Middle and latter part light Airs and foggy. A.M. Received on board a New Bower Cable in lieu of that Returned. Received fresh Beef.
Moderate Gales and Cloudy Wr. A.M. several Ships came out of the Harbour of the 5th. & 6th. Rates. Received on board 12 Half Hhds of Beer and prepared for going to sea.
Saturday     22East
Strong Gales and Cloudy. and were obliged to Strike Yards and Top Gallt. Masts. His Majestys Ship Vestal sailed but so much Sea set in that I could not heave at the Windlass without a great Risk of upsetting it which would cost me some time to get repaired. I therefore determined to Wait a little to avoid the Risk.
Sunday23EBSDo. Wr. the first and Middle part the latter more Moderate. at 4 A.M. hove Short & got up Yards & Topmasts and at ½ past 6 Weighed and lay too until day light. Then I made Sail and took on board off Cowes John Low Pilot to carry me through the Needles. At ½ past 10 Abreast of the Needles and discharged the Pilot. At Noon St. Albans head NNW 4 leagues and Dunnose E½So.
 Thermr. in the Air 38°.



As I hourly expected to have a favorable Wind and to sail, I could only compare the Time Keeper when the Weather would admit me which was three times since my being last put back from Sea. They were as follows[:]

On the 12th Decemr the Time Keeper was found to be too fast for Mean Time at Greenwich 1′..53″,6 and gaining pr day 1′,5 on Mean Time.

On the 17th. Decr. It was found 1′..54″,7 too fast and gainint 0′,2 per Day.

On the 19th. Decer. It was found 1′..52″,5 too fast and loosing on mean Time 1″,1 per Day which is just the same Rate as when I received it and is the rate of [?] I now set out with.

See the Book of Observations which is as an Appendix to this Log.

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