See the (allmost) complete Bounty Catalogue here

Then read the illustrated cronicles ...

The politics and economic considerations of the voyage
HMS Bounty Rounds Cape Horn
HMS Bounty arrives Tahitie
The Mutiny – as Captain Bligh would have it
HMS Bounty is destroyed
The Pitcairn massacre and the death of Fletcher Christian
Pandora's Box and the sinking of HMS Pandora
Hanging the mutineers on HMS Brunswick, Sept. 1792
The feuding Bounty families – why?
In Fletcher Christian's defence
In William Bligh's defence
For Peter Heywood's pardon
Appendix and bibliography

All research, paintings, text, illustration and web design, is by John Hagan Apart from downloading for personal use, the publication for profit of any material herein is conditional upon the artist/writer's permission  ©2000

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