Lewis Monto - Coastal views of Unidentified Islands in the Bonin group, c.1832Coastal views of North and South Islands in the Bonin group, c.1832.
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NOTES:Lewis Monto's sketches of unnamed islands in the Bonin group in 1831 was originally found in his manuscript journal of the 1828-1830 whaling cruise of the Nantucket whale ship, Plough Boy, Nathan Chase, commander. Monto was the ship's cooper on this voyage. The sketch however was made on the voyage of 1830-1834. See The Plough Boy in the Bonins page for an extracted section of Lewis Monto's journal with a number of additional photos that identify these islands. The sketch is now in the collection of the Nantucket Historical Association on the island of Nantucket, Massachusetts.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, Dec 3 2021.