Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Nobbs Letter Jul 19, 1855HomeTITPTPNorfolk Survey ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. XI Mrs. Nobbs Letter


A letter from Mrs. Nobbs to Mrs. Heywood, and her daughter, Lady Belcher, will afford another example of the tone of simple, unaffected piety, and intellectual culture, pervading the written communications from the Islanders.

"MY DEAR LADIES,—My husband has kindly left room in his letter for me to say a few words; and I address you without any hesitation; for you seem to me as personal acquaintances. The circumstances which brought my grandfather to this island have made the name of your husband and father as familiar to us as 'household words.' And now that I have heard my dear husband speak of the kind reception you accorded him, and have likewise become myself the recipient of your benevolence, I cannot let this opportunity pass without testifying my gratitude for so much kindness to me and mine.

"It has pleased God, in his inscrutable wisdom, to call from time to eternity my beloved, my firstborn. But though the tears of natural affection will flow, and I do not restrain them, still I sorrow not as those which have no hope. For my dear child displayed so much of humility, faith, and trust, that I think I may conclude, on scriptural grounds, that he is with those who are washed in the blood of the Lamb. 'Not lost, but gone before.' Several others from amongst us have been called from time into eternity, very recently. But I perceive my husband has given you the particulars of this. It speaks to every member of this community, 'There- fore, be ye also ready!'

"My daughters bid me offer their respects and thanks.

''Wishing you, dear sisters in Christ, every needful blessing, believe me,

"Yours most gratefully,

⇐ Nobbs Letter Jul 19, 1855HomeTITPTPNorfolk Survey ⇒