Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Nobbs Letter Jun 29, 1855HomeTITPTPMrs. Nobbs Letter ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. XI Nobbs Letter Jul 19, 1855


Jul 19, 1855

In another letter, dated Pitcairn's Island, July 19, 1855, Mr. Nobbs said:—

"I will briefly detail my avocations on the island. Divine Service twice on the Sabbath, and a Sunday-school for five classes (sixty persons) afterwards. The teachers are Jemima Young, Mary Young, Jane Nobbs, Francis Nobbs, and myself. There is also public service every afternoon at four o'clock, with the exception of Saturday, on which day the men are generally out in their canoes fishing, and the women busy in preparing food for the Sabbath.

"The Holy Communion is administered on the first Sunday of each month. The total number of communicants is 78. At the age of sixteen, after due preparation, they are admitted to the Lord's Table. Our day-school is from eight in the morning till one, five days in the week. There are 55 scholars. Edward Quintal is the schoolmaster.* I attend every day from ten until the dismissal. These duties, with the care of the sick, keep me in constant employ; and, I am happy to say, beneficially so. The young man who keeps the school being incapacitated from bodily infirmity for any other occupation, I have made over to him the pecuniary resources of the school, to wit, one shilling per month for each scholar, paid in potatoes, &c. So that I am altogether dependent on my stipend from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; the more especially as I have now no beloved son in Valparaiso to contribute to my necessities.

∗ He died in the early part of 1856.

"Nevertheless, I will take my stand upon these declarations of the son of Jesse: 'Trust in the Lord, and be doing good; dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.' 'He hath given meat unto them that fear Him. He will ever be mindful of his covenant.' But a greater than either the son or grandson of Jesse has prescribed the line of conduct imperative on the believer in these words: 'Therefore, I say unto you, Take no thought,' &c. &c. (St. Matt. vi. 2533.) May I have grace to appropriate them!'

"Pitcairn'S, July 16, 1855.

"The greatest part of the community are holding themselves in readiness for a removal; and several have relinquished house-building. We are now on the eve of yam-harvest, and though the crop is quite a poor one, we have a good stock of sweet potatoes to turn to; but few or none to spare for ships. However, humanly speaking, the pinch of this year is over; and perhaps by March next, we may, if it please God, be on our route for Norfolk Island. We are going on very comfortably at present. Both church and school are well attended, and a very great degree of unanimity exists.

"G. H. N."

⇐ Nobbs Letter Jun 29, 1855HomeTITPTPMrs. Nobbs Letter ⇒