Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised 5/2/2009

⇐ Register 1850-1HomeTITPTPRegister 1853 ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. X Register 1852


Jan 2, 1852

"1852, Jan 2d.—Abraham B. Quintal elected chief magistrate; Frederick Young and David Buffett, councillors.

Jan 7, 1852

"7th.—At about 1 P. M. intelligence was brought to the village that Robert (a native of one of the Society Islands, and who was left here sick from the American whale-ship Balaena) was washed from off the rocks by the surf; those who were at hand, when the news was told, immediately hastened to the place to learn the truth of the statement. Upon arriving there, and not seeing anything of him, search was made along the rocks. This also proving unsuccessful, some of the men went in their canoes to search for him outside of the rocks. A few minutes after the canoes were launched, his hat was found some thirty or forty yards from the rocks. Being convinced from this that the man was drowned, the search was continued with renewed vigour, and, about an hour after, his body was seen lying at the bottom, in about seven fathoms of water, and about twenty yards from where he was washed off. The men succeeded in recovering the body, which was interred the same evening. It is but justice to the memory of this poor man to add, that his good and quiet behaviour while among us had gained for him the esteem and good-will of all upon the island, and that his untimely end is deeply regretted by the whole community.

Jan 29, 1852

"29th.—At break of day a ship was reported close in with the shore; all who had turned out of their beds hastened to the edge of the precipice to ascertain the truth of the statement. Scarcely had they done so, when, from the heraldic bearing of her colours, she was by the teacher pronounced to be a man-of-war. The whale-boat was immediately manned, and in the course of a few hours she returned to shore, bringing with them Captain Wellesley, and others of the officers of H.M.S. Daedalus, from the Sandwich Islands, via Tahiti, bound to Valparaiso. Captain Wellesley and his officers remained on shore all night, and returned on board the following morning, when a fresh party landed from the ship. Captain Wellesley and his officers were pleased to. express their approbation of what they saw upon the island, and have, by the urbanity of their conduct during the few hours they were with us, gained the good-will and esteem of all the inhabitants.

Jan 30, 1852

"30th.—Emily W. Christian born.

Jan 31, 1852

"31st.—At half-past seven this morning, Captain Wellesley and his officers returned on board, and the Daedalus left this for Valparaiso, bearing the good wishes of the island.

Mar 7, 1852

"March 7th.—David E. B. Young born.

Mar 14, 1852

"14th.—David R. B. Young died, aged seven days.

Apr 15, 1852

"April 15th.—Fletcher Christian died, after a lingering illness of many months' duration, aged forty years. As a member of the community, the conduct of Fletcher Christian was ever worthy of imitation."

⇐ Register 1850-1HomeTITPTPRegister 1853 ⇒