Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Register 1848-9HomeTITPTPRegister 1852 ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. X Register 1850-1


Jan 23, 1850

"1850 Jan. 23d.—This day was observed as the anniversary of the settlement of this colony, sixty years since. One survivor of that strange event and sanguinary result, witnessed its celebration.* At daylight one of the Bounty's guns was discharged, and awakened the sleeping echoes, and the more drowsy of its inhabitants. At 10 A.M. divine service was performed. After the service, various letters received from the British Government and principal friends were read and commented upon. At twelve o'clock (noon) a number of musketeers assembled under the flagstaff, and fired a volley in honour of the day. After dinner, males and females assembled in front of the church (where the British flag was flying), and gave three cheers for Queen Victoria, three for the Government at home, three for the magistrates here, three for absent friends, three for the ladies, and three for the community in general, amid the firing of muskets and ringing of the bell. At sunset the gun of the Bounty was again fired, and the day closed in harmony and peace, both towards God and man. It is voted that an annual celebration be observed.

Jul 15, 1850

∗ Susannah, who died on the 15th of July following.

Mar 24, 1850

"March 24th.—Daniel M'Coy and Lydia Young married.

Apr 20, 1850

"April 20th.—Charles Carleton Vieder Young born.

Jun 3, 1850

"June 3d.—John Pitcairns Elford (native of Adelaide, New South Wales) baptized.

Jun 15, 1850

"15th.—Julia Christian died of dysentery.

Jul 15, 1850

"July 15th.—Susannah (a native of Tahiti, and last survivor of the Bounty) died from the prevailing epidemic and the exhaustion of old age combined.

Sep 18, 1850

"Sept. 18th.—Robert Charles Grant Young born.

Sep 27, 1850

"27th.—Mrs. Eliza C. Palmer, wife of George Palmer, of Nantucket, died of consumption.

Sep 28, 1850

"28th.—Edward Quintal (second) fell from the precipice upon the rocks below, and badly fractured his leg.

Dec 24, 1850

"Dec. 24th.—Charles William Grant born, son of the master of a whaler, whose wife had been left on the island.

Jan 1, 1851

"1851, Jan. 1st.—Thursday O, Christian elected chief magistrate; John Buffett, jun. and Thomas Buffett, councillors.

Jan 8, 1851

"8th.—Mary Anne M'Coy born.

Jan 21, 1851

"21st.—Frances Adelaide Quintal born.

Jan 23, 1851

"23d. Observed the anniversary of the settlement of the colony, David Buffett and Martha Young married.

Mar 15, 1851

"March 15th.—By the accidental discharge of a fowling-piece in a whale-boat that was out fishing, three persons, viz. Abraham Quintal, John Buffett, and Fletcher Nobbs, were seriously injured.

Mar 30, 1851

"30th.—Anna Bose Christian died, aged three years.

Apr 27, 1851

"April 27th.—Mary Isabel Adams born.

Jul 13, 1851

"July 13th.—Fairfax Moresby Quintal born;

Aug 5, 1851

"August 5th.—Joseph A. M. BufFett born.

Aug 10, 1851

"10th.—Jacob Christian & Nancy Quintal married.

Aug 16, 1851

"16th.—Twelve of the inhabitants sailed in the Joseph Meigs for the purpose of visiting Elizabeth Island. On their arrival at the island, they discovered a human skeleton; and as nothing could be found that may lead to discover who this unfortunate individual was, it must remain a mystery.

Sep 5, 1851

"Sept. 5th.—Thomas A. BufFett born.

Sep 15, 1851

"15th.—Julia E. Quintal born.

Oct 17, 1851

"Oct. 17th.—Leonard E. W. Christian born.

Oct 28, 1851

"28th.—William Ward Dillon Adams born.

Nov 5, 1851

"Nov. 5th.—Sarah Clara Quintal born.

Nov 9, 1851

"9th.—Julia Anna Christian born.

Nov 11, 1851
Nov 14, 1851

"11th.—Thirty-eight of the inhabitants sailed in the ship Sharon, of Fairhaven, for the purpose of visiting Elizabeth Island. On Friday, 14th, after a boisterous passage of three days, they landed upon Elizabeth Island, when they immediately set about wooding the ship, and exploring the country, which is evidently of coral formation. The soil is very scanty, and totally unfit for cultivation. Various specimens of marine shells are dispersed all over the surface of the island, which, in combination with the thickly scattered pieces of coral, render travelling both difficult and dangerous. Water is found on the north-west part of the island, slowly dripping from the roof of a cave, which cannot be reached without the aid of ropes. The island rises about sixty feet above the level of the sea. Eight human skeletons were also found upon the island, lying in caves. They were doubtless the remains of some unfortunate shipwrecked seamen, as several pieces oAa wreck were found upon the shore.

Nov 27, 1851

"27th.—Sarah Adams died from a disease of the spine, aged fifty-five years.

Dec 13, 1851

"Dec. 13th.—Philip M'Coy and Sarah Quintal, Benjamin Buffett [sic should be Christian] and Eliza Quintal, married.

⇐ Register 1848-9HomeTITPTPRegister 1852 ⇒