Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Register 1823-31HomeTITPTPRegister 1843-5 ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. X Register 1838-41


Nov 29, 1838

"1838, Nov. 29th.—Arrived, H.M.S. Fly, Captain Russell Elliott, with a present from Rev. Mr. Rowlandson and congregation at Valparaiso. Captain Elliott proposed electing a chief magistrate, which was adopted; and Edward Quintal was chosen.

Nov 29, 1838

"This island was taken possession of by Captain Elliott, on behalf of the Crown of Great Britain, on the 29th of November, 1838.

Nov 9, 1839

"1839, Nov. 9th.—Arrived, H.M.S. Sparrowhawk. Captain J. Shepherd. The captain, several officers, and General Friere, ex-President of Chili, landed. In the afternoon the school-children were examined, and received the approbation of our respected visitors. Captain Shepherd afterwards divided some valuable presents among them.

Nov 10, 1839
Nov 12, 1839

"10th.—Captain Shepherd and his officers attended divine service twice. At 5 P.M. they went on board. They sailed on the 12th.

Feb 8, 1840

"1840, Feb. 8th.—Mrs. Nobbs received a severe contusion on the shoulder, by the falling of a cocoa-nut from the tree.

Feb 13, 1840

"Feb. 13th.—Moses Young fell from a cocoanut-tree, at least forty feet high, and was but slightly injured.

Aug 18, 1841
Aug 20, 1841

"1841, August 18th.—Arrived, H.M.S. Curacoa, Captain Jenkin Jones; and a most opportune arrival it was, for there were at least twenty cases of influenza among us." The Register goes on to describe the valuable services rendered by Captain Jones and the surgeon of the ship, Dr. Gunn. The Curacoa sailed on the 20th.

Sep 19, 1841

"Sept. 19th.—Died, Isabella, a native of Tahiti, relict of Fletcher Christian, of the Bounty. Her age was not known, but she frequently said she remembered Captain Cook arriving at Tahiti.

⇐ Register 1823-31HomeTITPTPRegister 1843-5 ⇒