Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Register 1794-1817HomeTITPTPRegister 1838-41 ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. X Register 1823-31


"1823.—Arrived, ship Cyrus, of London, Captain Hall. John Buffett. came on shore, as schoolmaster. John Evans also came on shore.

Dec 5, 1825

"1825, Dec. 5th.—Arrived, H.M.S. Blossom, Captain F. W. Beechey.

Dec 19, 1826

"1826, Dec. 19th.—Jane Quintal left us in the Lovely, of London, Captain Blythe.

Nov 15, 1828

"828, Nov. 15th.—George Nobbs came on shore, to reside.

Mar 5, 1829

"1829, March 5th.—

John Adams died, aged 65

Mar 15, 1830

"1830, Mar. 15th.—Arrived, H.M.S. Seringapatam, Captain Hon. W, Waldegrave, with a present of clothes and agricultural implements and tools from the British Government.

Feb 28, 1831

"1831, Feb. 28th.—Arrived, H.M. sloop Comet, Alexander A. Sandilands, and barque Lucy Anne, of Sydney, Government vessel, J. Currey, master, for the purpose of removing the inhabitants of Pitcairn's Island to Tahiti.

Mar 6, 1831

"March 6th.—All the inhabitants embarked and sailed for Tahiti.

Mar 21, 1831

"March 21st.—Soon after our arrival at Tahiti, the Pitcairn people were taken sick.

"1831.—John Buffett and family, Robert Young, Joseph Christian, &c. sailed from Tahiti, in a small schooner; but, owing to contrary winds, they landed at Lord Hood's Island.

Jun 21, 1831
Jun 27, 1831

"June 21st.—John Buffett, and the others on Lord Hood's Island, embarked in the French frigate Bordeaux Packet, and on the 27th landed at Pitcairn's Island. During our absence our hogs have gone wild, and destroyed our crops. After we returned, we employed ourselves in destroying the hogs.

Adams Grave
John Adams Grave, Pitcairn

⇐ Register 1794-1817HomeTITPTPRegister 1838-41 ⇒