Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

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The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. IX Nobbs at Valparaiso


On Mr. Nobbs's arrival at Valparaiso, he found his son and daughter in good health; but he was just too late for a vessel for Pitcairn. Writing to the author from Valparaiso, he said:—

Feb 12, 1853

"After some detention and sickness, I was graciously permitted to arrive here on the 12th of February; and I am still detained, waiting for the Portland. Oh, how I wish to be at home! I have divided the duty with the Rev. B. Hill at the church on shore, ever since I have been here, besides the service on board one of the British ships of war, once on each Sabbath; so you see I am not idle. The agent for British steamers in these parts presented me with a free passage from Panama to Valparaiso. I hope my next will be dated 'Pitcairn's Island.'"

Looking forward to the pleasure of being once more at home, he added, "Oh! that will be joyful."

Jan 31, 1853

Admiral Moresby, in a letter to the author, dated Valparaiso, 31st January, 1853, said:—

"My heart rejoices at the completion of my wishes in Mr. Nobbs's ordination, and the prospect opening to the Pitcairn community. A small sum will suffice to keep up a knowledge of the Tahitian language the voice by which the extension of the Gospel will be forwarded. I hope and trust that it will please God to give His blessing to all that has been done."