Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ First CommunionHomeTITPTPReturn to Pitcairn ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. IX Letter to Admiral


Soon after this, the Chief Magistrate, in the name of the community, wrote to Admiral Moresby in the following terms:—

"Pitcairn's Island, January 13th, 1853.


"We, the inhabitants of Pitcairn's Island, filled with a sense of gratitude for the many favours which we have experienced at your hands, have made bold to address you in the language of children. We feel in ourselves that if kindness and protection from a parent deserve the respect and obedience of his children, we certainly owe the same to you, for the many, many favours which we have received from you ever since your arrival in this ocean. Your former favours to us are not forgotten, and especially your kind visit to us in August last. The presents which we then received from you and your officers, and good ship's company, and those again by the Cockatrice lately, have filled us with the deepest gratitude; and will, we doubt not, be remembered in Pitcairn's Island when we ourselves are no more.

"Situated as we are, so far away from the rest of mankind, and lying so far out of your course, we esteem it the greatest kindness indeed that you should deign to pay us a visit as you did; and we sincerely hope, that through the mercy and kindness of 'Him who alone can govern the unruly wills and affections of sinful men,' we may ever continue to conduct ourselves in such a manner as to merit the esteem and approbation of yourself and all our numerous friends.

"In the name of the community, we beg you to accept our most sincere and hearty thanks for all your kindness to us. We feel that words are but weak to convey our thanks; but such as they are, we hope you will accept of them as flowing from sincere and grateful hearts; and that the Giver of all good gifts, who has declared that 'it is more blessed to give than to receive,' may ever bless and preserve you and yours, is the sincere desire of

"Your loving children,
"Chief Magistrate, &c.; &c.;

"To Rear-Admiral Fairfax Moresby, Commander-in-Chief."

⇐ First CommunionHomeTITPTPReturn to Pitcairn ⇒