Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Letters from IslandersHomeTITPTPThe School ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. VII George Adams Letter


From the Chief Magistrate of Pitcairn's Island.

"Pitcairn's Island. April 6th, 1848.

"DEAR FRIEND,—Long have I heard of you, though not acquainted with you, but have often heard of your friendship towards us Pitcairn islanders. Now, I have taken this opportunity to write these few lines to you, informing you of the state of things in our little island. We are all getting on very well. I hope that you and the rest of our friends are getting on well, as we are. I return you thanks for your kind letter, which I have received from H.M.S. Calypso; also the present which is sent by you and the rest of the kind gentlemen at Valparaiso. We have received from you all such things as are very valuable to us, spades, saws, pots, and other articles. We have received them all with the greatest pleasure, and I return you all a thousand thanks for them. The presents are divided equally amongst us all, from the oldest woman to the youngest child.

"Kind friend, this is the first opportunity I have had to write to you. I will thank you very much if you will take this fund of money which you will see in this paper, and buy me a few fish-hooks of the size you will see in the paper; and also for my family's use six copies of Watts's Hymn-books, and one Family Bible. Friend, I bid you farewell. Perhaps it may not be our chance to meet in this world, but 1 hope we may in a better world, where saints and angels meet; and if it be our good luck to meet there, there we shall meet to part no more. I am obliged to close my letter in haste.

"I remain, your sincere friend and well-wisher,

"Chief Magistrate of Pitcairn's Island."

⇐ Letters from IslandersHomeTITPTPThe School ⇒