Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

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The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. VII Letters from Islanders


Mr. Armstrong, to whom allusion has been made above, had for some years shown a warm feeling of regard for the happiness and welfare of the islanders. He had not only been instrumental in transmitting some valuable presents by way of additions to their comforts, but had written them encouraging letters by H.M.S. Basilisk, Captain H. Hunt, which touched at the island in July 1844. He afterwards received the following pleasing letters from some of those in whom he had taken so warm an interest:—

"To the Rev. William Armstrong.

"Pitcairn's Island, Aug. 7, 1845.

"REV. SIR,—Please to receive our united thanks for the presents which you have sent us. We have prepared some native commodities for you, and would have sent them by this vessel; but the weather not being fine, and the captain being in great haste, it was delayed until another opportunity should present itself. The inhabitants are doing well; we have a good school, and religion is in a flourishing condition; and I trust by the grace of God it will continue to be so. God Almighty be with you, and bless you now and for ever. Amen.

"Chief Magistrate.

"P.S.—We should like to hear from you by this same man, the name of the Admiral, his character, &c."

"Pitcairn's Island, South Pacific Ocean,
"Lat. 25° 4′ S., Long, 130° 8′ W. Sept. 26th, 1844.

"HONOURED SIR,—Please to accept my humble thanks for your condescension and kindness in administering to our necessities, and expressing such solicitude for our welfare. I hope myself and schoolfellows will ever retain sentiments of gratitude both toward you and our other friends in Valparaiso; and I humbly pray the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will have you in his holy keeping, and that after this life I may be permitted to see you all, face to face, in the presence of Him who loved us, and washed us in his own blood. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen,


"Pitcairn's Island, South Pacific Ocean,
"Sept 26th, 1844.

"REVEREND AND HONOURED SIR,—Please to accept my humble thanks for the interest you are pleased to take in our welfare, and also for the presents you and our other friends in Valparaiso have sent us; and may they and you be rewarded a thousandfold, both in a temporal and spiritual sense. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

"I am, Reverend Sir, your grateful Servant,


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