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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 83, Feb 18-19, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

Feb 18, 1855

Feby 18th
At daylight a gun was fired & the Blue pennant hoisted on board of the frigate, the officers on shore immediately got ready to embark. The [cow?] & other articles landed, & towards noon the "Amphitrite" made sail for Valparaiso. We are very sorry they cannot stay longer with us, but their provisions were getting short, & they are anxious to learn [?] event of the war & their own probable destination. God Almighty preserve them whether they go [? or?] south Captain Connolley noted his [approbation?] of what he saw & heard in the public [?]. He appears to be a gentleman of great urbanity & manners; & was most kind & considerate in what he said & did while here

Feb 19, 1855

" 19th
Busily engaged in dividing the various articles brought by the "Amphitrite". A large portion were from the Thespian corps of the ship the remainder were from gentlemen residing in Oahu, chiefly at the instance of worthy Mr. Danion. The remaining part of this week intensely hot, want of rain is severely felt it being impossible to plant sweet potatoes which is the principle article of food for the next five months. Reuben is now so weak that there is need of two [?] persons being always near him to move him as he may request. But blessed be God he is in an enviable state of mind, amid his sufferings which [always?] are most severe and elicit groans of anguish his faith & hope are unshaken

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