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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 82, Feb 17, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

for that purpose. There were also a goodly number of packages to land. In due time all this was effected in good order & we welcomed on shore Capt Connolley with ten or twelve of the officers of HBM Amphitrite. They were from the Sandwich Islands via Tahiti. Having had a very long passage Capt. C. said he feared he must leave for Valparaiso in the evening. This information was any thing but agreeable

The various articles which were landed were chiefly the proceeds of some theatrical performances enacted at Oahu, by a party of Seamen Amateurs belonging to the frigate; they most generously applying some three hundred dollars to the purchase of such articles as it was supposed this community is in want of. Most acceptable these various articles were the more especially as the donors though in humble situations proved themselves men of talent and benevolence

Capt. Connolley remained on shore until late in the evening, when finding that several articles among the rest a cow for the widow McCoy were not yet landed, he concluded to postpone the sailing of the ship till the morrow morning he also permitted several of his officers to remain on shore our boat went on board & remained all night

The surgeons of the ship visited poor Reuben but they neither gave him nor yet any one else the slightest hopes. They kindly enquired if he was in want of any thing, but with the exception of some bismuth, there was nothing but what he was already provided with.

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