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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 75, Feb 18-Mar 24, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1854 continued

by the accidental explosion of the "Bounty's Gun" The attack was violent & protracted. At 11 o'clock he fell into a lethargic sleep & then I returned home

Feb 18, 1854

Feb 18th.
William Evans still sleeping when I visited him at seven o'clock this morning. Frederick Young improved

Feb 20, 1854

" 20th.
Frederick Young convalescent

Feb 22, 1854

" 22nd
Several persons on the sick list

Feb 26, 1854

" 26th
Frederick Young so far recovered as to attend church.

Mar 20, 1854

March 20th.
Called to attend on a girl with a swelling of the knee joint and a strong fever in consequence. Her tongue was perfectly white & her skin was painful to touch from the insensity of the febrile heat and it seems she had been so for two days previous, but her father had declined sending for me and I should have known nothing of the matter if Mr. Buffett had not requested me to visit the poor child; of course I went immediately & prescribed for her and visited her twice during the afternoon. At six o clock when I left her for the night she was somewhat easier, but the violence of the fever had not much abated.

Mar 21, 1854

" 21st.
The above mentioned girl is much the same as yesterday. Her knee is less painful but the thigh is more swollen. The fever is still burning hot nor can I induce perspiration though I have exerted powerful means. I feel somewhat doubtful as to the results of this poor childs afflictions

May 24, 1854

May 24th
Anniversary of the birth day of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The morning cloudy & inclined to rain. About 9 o clock it cleared up. After the

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