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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 74, Feb 16-17, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1854 continued

of the opium in the evening the patient became restless with a considerable accession of fever and nervous irritability arising partly from constipation (the aperient failing to operate) and partly from the tendons reassuming their natural tone. Gave a dose of epsom salts to cool the system and procure a speedy evacuation of the bowels. At 10 o'clock the desired effect was produced and the patient became very comfortable so much so, that I had no occasion for administering an opiate. Got very little rest myself for the fleas were too numerous: this is an Australian importation, which stimulates to industry & excites to activity, and proclaims aloud that cleanliness next to godliness is most conducive to domestic happiness

Feb 16, 1854

Feb 16th
Cloudy weather with occasional showers of rain Thermo. 75 at 8 A.M. At 1 o'clock a sail reported in the S.E. quarter. The sick man very restless & feverish administered a gentle purgative & an opiate; at sun set our canoes returned from the ship in the offing. She is the "Timor" of New Bedford, 8 mos. from home with 400 lbs of whale oil, bound for the northern seas. The sick man passed a quiet night

Feb 17, 1854

" 17th.
Early this morning the Timors boat landed. The Captain came on shore to procure a few barrels of potatoes &c, &c. at 12 he returned on board and shortly after the ship turned the head toward the Sandwich Islands. Frederick Young improving rapidly, at 9 P.M. sent for to attend on William Evans who was attacked by a violent spasmodic fit. The seat of the disorder I think is in the brain, he has been subject to such fits occasionally for these twelvemonths past. They commenced shortly after a violent concussion which he received

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