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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 70, Jan 1-31, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 3, 1854

Jany 3rd
Arthur Quintall jun elected Chief Magistrate
Thomas Buffett & Isaac Christian councillors

Jan 1, 1854

Jany 1st
Commencement of a new year. Preached a sermon in aid of the funds of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel. Dispensed the Sacrament of the Lords Supp to 44 persons

Jan 5, 1854

" 5th
A Sail reported from the S.E. at 1 P.M. Made her out to be a Whaler. At 5 she was close enough in for us to read her name from the shore "Salem" New Bedford. Alfred Nobbs badly sprained his foot and was brought home by George Adams.

Jan 6, 1854

" 6th
"Salem" sailed for the Sandwich Islands

Employed collecting the leaves of the Ponderosas for the roof of the church

Employed thatching part of the roof of the schoolhouse

Arrived the Euprates of New Bedford

The above ship sailed for New Bedford

Jan 29, 1854

" 29th
Fair weather. Attended Divine service twice, last Sunday Rebecca Christian & William Evans were married, which was not noted at that date through inadvertancy

Community employed completing the roof of the school house.

Most of the inhabitants employed making sugar from the Ti root. Blowing very hard from the N.West.

Jan 31, 1854

Mary Ellen Olivia Buffett baptized. [?]. This child was born on the 31st. of Jany.

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