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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 69, Nov 4-Dec 24, 1853

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1853 continued

Nov 4, 1853

Nov 4th
Susan Nobbs delivered of a son [Jacob Dyas] which expired a few hours after its birth.

Nov 12, 1853

" 12th.
The community slightly affected with Influenza, which continued for about a fortnight

Dec 24, 1853

Dec. 24th
Nancy Christian died of Ovarian Dropsy aged 23 years. Her loss was deeply felt by the whole community. She was a young woman of excellent parts, and her untimely end will cast a gloom over the coming Christmas Festivals

of the Year 1853

Number of births this year 13. Males 7 Females 6
Nr of Marriages 2. Deaths 3. Nr of Ships touching
here   American   English  *

*[There are spaces left for the numbers, but they are blank.]

The Inhabitants have suffered more from sickness this year than they have for many years past.

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