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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 45, Aug 11-25, 1849

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1849 continued

Aug 11, 1849

Aug. 11th.
Arrived H.M.S. "Daphne" from Valparaiso via Callao, bringing the desiderata of the community, viz. a bull and cow, & some rabbits. They were landed without any difficulty by our own boats. We also received from the Rev. Wm. Armstrong several boxes of acceptable articles and a large case of books from the Christian Knowledge Society. At 3 o clock, captain Fanshawe with some of his officers landed and returned again at sunset, with the exception of the Surgeon who remained on shore at the particular request of Mr. Nobbs, who wished some advice respecting the sick

Aug 12, 1849

" 12th.
At 1 P.M. Captain F. returned on shore with a fresh party of officers, and attended divine service. Much persuasions were used by the young people, to induce Capt. F. to remain with us another day, but he told them he could not do so with propriety, accordingly at sunset he returned on board, and the Daphne sailed for Tahiti.

Capt. Fanshawe and his officers treated those of our people who went on board most kindly and made minute inquires, into our wants and actual condition. They were pleased to express their satisfaction, at what they saw and heard and left us deeply impressed with their courtesy and urbanity. May almighty God have them in his holy keeping.

Aug 25, 1849

" 25th.
Some of the people have had a relapse. About 4 oclock this afternoon Arthur Quintall

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