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Revised 2010-05-30

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 44, Jul 11-Aug 9, 1849

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1849 continued

the Sandwich Islands last January. Capt. Wood brought letters from Consul General Miller and several other persons offering to provide lands &c. for any families who wish to emigrate. Capt. Wood assembled the inhabitants at the school house and on the letters being read, informed them that he would remain on shore till the afternoon of the next day in order that they might have time to deliberate on the contents of the letters, & then he would receive their answers.

Jul 11, 1849

July 11th.
This evening Capt. Wood left this place to the regret of us all, for though our acquaintance was but of two days duration, the urbanity of Capt. W. and his solicitude for our welfare have made a deep and we hope, a grateful impression on our hearts. That the good ship Pandora, and all her gallant crew may escape the perils of the deep & before many months have elapsed show her number some early morning at Spithead, is the wish of their friends residing on the "Rock of the West"

Jul 22, 1849

July 22nd.
Eveline Helen daughter of John and Betsy Buffett born

Jul 23, 1849

July 23rd.
Eveline H. Buffett born.

Jul 28, 1849

" 28th.
Isaac Godfrey son of Isaac & Miriam Christian born

Aug 9, 1849

Aug. 9th
The inhabitants are slowly recovering from an epidemic, which have pervaded the Island during the last month. So general was the attack that the public school have been discontinued & public service performed but once on each sabbath in consequence. The Teacher being fully employed attending the sick.

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