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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 34, Feb 22-27, 1847

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1847 continued

have formed themselves into three watches to attend his wants by day and night. It is most gratifying to his parents to see the esteem in which their son is held

Feb 22,1847

Feby. 22nd
Reuben Nobbs continues free from much pain but there is a considerable accession of fever, it does not appear that either the hip or thigh bones are injured as he can move his leg without much difficulty or pain. From the great length of the internal wound it is hard to ascertain whether any of the wadding remains the ball have most assuredly passed through.

Feb 25, 1847

" 25th
This morning a ship was reported; every body is rejoiced hoping to get some necessaries for the wounded lad; on her nearer approach she proved to be H.M.S. "Spy" commander Wooldridge. "Thank God" was the grateful exclamation of many on hearing it is a ship of war on account of her having a surgeon on board. At 1 P.M. Captain Wooldrige landed accompanied by the surgeon of the ship (Dr. Bowden) who immediately visited young Nobbs and after probing the wound and ascertaining the extant of the injury gave his opinion that there was not much danger and that with proper attention he would in all human probability [recover] although a more narrow escape from death never came beneath his notice. Captain W. being much pressed for time, informed the inhabitants he must sail that evening. After kindly interesting himself in the welfare of the Island and noting

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