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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 24, Mar 23-27, 1845

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1845 continued

Mar 23, 1845

March 23rd.
Some of those first attacked have had a relapse others seem quite well in health but complain of great weakness. The number of fresh cases to day is seven. The vomits in the medicine chest are nearly all expended, more than sixty have been administered.

Mar 24, 1845

" 24th.
There is a ship in sight a canoe has gone on board to ask for emetics. The canoe has returned. That ship appearing was a providential thing. We have obtained 12 doses of Tartar emetics.

Mar 27, 1845

" 27th.
The fever is on the decline, cheerful faces are again seen, & I hope grateful hearts are praising God whose mercies endureth for ever.

I will now say a few words respecting the salubrity of the Island. It is generally supposed to be a healthy spot. Indeed appearances seem to justify such a conclusion, but the reverse is found, by experience, to be the fact. Asthmas Rheumatism Consumption Scrofula and last but not least Influenza under various modifications is prevalent. Five times within the last four years have the fever been rife among us but it has never been so severe, latterly, as it was on its first appearance. This I think may be accounted for by the teacher becoming more acquainted with the nature of the disease (thanks to Dr. Gunn) and also with the appropriate remedies. When the influenza first made its appearance among us it did not spread so rapidly as it has done during its late visit, but the cough was more violent then, that it has been since. This I attribute to the teacher's not giving them emetics as soon as the disease attacked them; since then he has invariably given them vomits on

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