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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 19, Jan 2-Nov 16, 1843

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 2, 1843

Jany 2nd.
Matthew McCoy elected Magistrate. Arthur Quintall sen. and Simon Young councillors.

Jan 7, 1843

" 7th.
Two persons yesterday & three to day have been attacked by the fever, which is of an inflamatory type commenceing with a slight shivering succeeded by violent pain in the loins & head and much febrile heat, emetics, & application of warm water to the feet hands & loins are the principle remedies applied and under the Divine blessing have been attended with beneficial results.

Mar 4, 1843

March 4th
Eleven of the inhabitants sailed in the bark "America" for the purpose of exploring Elizabeth's Island

Mar 5, 1843

" 5th.
Arrived H.M.S. "Talbot" Capt. Sir T. Thompson Bart. After remaining on shore about 4 hours: and adjusting some of the more pressing judicial cases presented to him Sir Thomas returned on board and the frigate sailed for Valparaiso.

Mar 11, 1843

" 11th.
Bark America returned from Elizabeths Island our people bringing a very unfavorable report of the land.

Mar 31, 1843

" 31st.
Albert son of Thursday and Mary Christian born

Apr 16, 1843

April 16th.
John Adams and Caroline Quintall married
Mary daughter of Arthur and Mary Quintall born

Apr 25, 1843
Apr 23, 1843

" 25th. [23rd.]
Mary wife of Arthur Quintall sen. died Aet. 24 years

May 5, 1843

May 5th.
George Edwin Coffin son of George & Sarah Nobbs born

May 21, 1843

" 21st
Kezia daughter of John & Dinah Quintall born

Oct 5, 1843

Oct. 5th.
Stephen son of Fletcher and Peggy Christian born

Nov 16, 1843

Nov. 16th.
Sarah daughter of Matthew and Margaret McCoy born
Mary M'Coy born.[?]

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