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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 18, Jan 2-Dec 10, 1842

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 2, 1842

Jany 2nd.
Fletcher Christian elected Magistrate. Matthew McCoy & William Quintall councillors

Jan 14, 1842

" 14th.
Charles Christian sen. died after a lingering illness of many months duration

Jul 22, 1842

Jul 22nd.
Rhoda daughter of Arthur & Martha Quintall born

Oct 5, 1842

Oct. 5th.
George Adams fell from a tree by which his back much injured

Oct 10, 1842

" 10th.
Oliver Macy son of William & Maria Quintall born

Dec 3, 1842

Dec. 3rd.
A sad accident this day befel[l] Stephen Christian an infant of 15 months. During the temporary absence of his mother, the child overturned a pot of hot water by which he was dreadfully burned scalded

Dec 8, 1842

" 8th.
Adeline Sophia daughter of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Dec 10, 1842

" 10th.
Stephen Christian died; aged 15 months, his death was occasioned by the scalding he received a few days ago.


Number of births this year, three, Marriages none, Deaths two. Several cases of inflamatory fever exist at the present moment. Ships holding communication with the island thirty one. Number of inhabitants 112-- 53 males, 59 females, The public school have been irregularly attended from causes easier to be accounted for than remedied.

50 children attend the Sunday School.

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