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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 9, Aug 7, 1831-1833

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1831 continued

Jun 27, 1831

Island embarked in the French brig Bordeaux Packet and on the 27th landed on Pitcairns Island. The hogs during our absence having gone wild destroyed our crops. After returning we employed ourselves destroying the hogs, and rebuilding the houses which were all broken down by the natives of Bora Bora, who visited the Island in a French trading vessel.

Aug 7, 1831

Aug. 7th.
Sun Eclipsed.

Aug 12, 1831

" 12th.
Charles Driver son of Charles & Maria Christian born

Aug 18, 1831

" 18th
Robert Young died at Pitcairns, aet. 32 years

Sep 2, 1831

Sep. 2nd.
Arrived Brig Chas. Dagget of Salem, Mass. with the remainder of the Islanders.

Nov 6, 1831

Nov. 6th.
Edward Young died. aet. about 34 years

Nov 24, 1831

" 24th
Joseph Christian died, aet. 20 years


May 30, 1832

May 30th
Benjamin Claudius Christian born

Aug 30, 1832

Aug. 30th.
Esther daughter of George & Sarah Nobbs born

Sep 16, 1832

Sept. 16.
Dorcas & Lydia (twins) daughters of William & Elizabeth Young born

Nov 16, 1832

Nov. 16.
John Quintall married to Maria widow of Charles Christian & Fletcher Christian married to Peggy widow of Daniel McCoy.

Dec 26, 1832

Dec. 26th.
Daniel McCoy died, aet. 40 years

Dec 28, 1832

" 28th
Daniel, son of the deceased Daniel, & Sarah McCoy born
M'Coy, jun., born.


Jan 17, 1833

Jany 17th
Mary daughter of John & Rachel Evans born
John Quintal married to Maria Christian
Fletcher Christian married to Peggy Young M'Coy.

Jun 11, 1833

June 11th.
Eliza daughter of John & Maria Quintall born

May 9, 1833

May 9.
Sarah McCoy died aet. 9 years.

Sep 1, 1833

Sep. 1st
Fletcher Christian son of George & Sarah Nobbs born

Sep 24, 1833

Sept. 24
Jacob son of Fletcher & Peggy Christian born
Sarah M'Coy died.

Nov 5, 1833

Nov 5
Susan daughter of Edward & Dinah Quintall born

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