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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 8, Feb 28-Jun 21, 1831

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Feb 28, 1831

Feby 28th
Arrived H. M. Ship Comet Com. Alex. A. Sandilands and Barque Lucy Ann, of Sydney, government transport vessel, J. Currey, master, for the purpose of removing the inhabitants to Tahiti.

Mar 6, 1831

March 6th.
All the inhabitants embarked and sailed for Tahiti.

Mar 21, 1831

" 21st
Arrived at Tahiti. on the passage Lucy Ann daughter of Arthur & Catharine Quintall born. Soon after the arrival of the people at Tahiti they were attacked with fever.

Apr 21, 1831

April 21st
Thursday October Christian died, aged 41 years

Apr 24, 1831

" 24
John Buffett & family, Robert Young, Joseph Christian, Edward Christian, Charles Christian 3rd, Matthew Quintall & Frederic Young sailed from Tahiti in a small schooner for the purpose of returning to Pitcairns, but owing to adverse winds the aforesaid persons were landed on Lord Hoods Island & the schooner returned to Tahiti.

Apr 25, 1831

" 25th
Lucy Ann Quintall died aged 1 month.

Apr 29, 1831

" 29th
Prudence, one of the women brought in the Bounty died

May 4, 1831

May 4th
George Young died, aged about 34 years

May 15, 1831

" 15th
Kitty Quintall died, aged 12 years

May 16, 1831

" 16
Polly wife of Edward Young died, aged 17 years

Jun 3, 1831

June 3rd.
Edward Christian died at Lord Hoods Island Aet. 17 years.

Jun 4, 1831

" 4th
Jane McCoy died, aged 9 years.

Jun 6, 1831

" 6th
Nancy daughter of Edward & Dinah Quintall born

Jun 8, 1831

" 8th.
Catharine wife of Arthur Quintall died, aet. 31 years.

Jun 9, 1831

" 9th
Nancy widow of Edward Young of the Bounty died

Jun 25, 1831

" 25th
Charles Christian 2nd died. aet. 23 years

Jun 27, 1831

" 27th
Daniel McCoy 2nd died. aet. 17 years
Hugh McCoy died. aet. 12 years

Jun 21, 1831

" 21st
John Buffett & the others left on Lord Hoods

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