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Revised May 30 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 6, 1824-1827

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Apr 25, 1824

April 25
Phoebe daughter of Arthur and Catharine Quintall born

Feb 10, 1824

Feb 10th
John Buffett and Dolly Young married.

Jul 23, 1824

July 23rd
Sarah daughter of Daniel & Sarah McCoy born.

Oct 31, 1824
Oct 3, 1824

Oct. 31st Oct. 3rd.
Edward son of Edward & Dinah Quintall born

Nov 15, 1824

Nov. 15th
Dinah daughter of George & Hannah Young born
John Evans and Rachel Adams married.


Jan 3, 1825

Jany 3rd
Thomas son of John and Dolly Buffett born

Jan 28, 1825

" 28th
Polly Young born

Apr 26, 1825

April 26th
Isaac Christian born

Jul 9, 1825

July 9th
James son of Arthur and Catharine Quintall born

Dec 5, 1825

Dec. 5th
Arrived HMS. Blossom, Capt. F. W. Beechey. during the stay of the Blossom John Adams was married


Mar 7, 1826
May 7, 1826

March 7th May 7th
Sarah wife of Charles Christian died., aged 37.

Jul 21, 1826

July 21st
John son of John & Dolly Buffett born.

Sep 8, 1826

Sept. 8th
Betsy daughter of George & Hannah Young born

Oct 23, 1826

Oct. 23rd
Samuel son of Daniel & Sarah McCoy born

Dec 17, 1826

Dec. 17th
Arrived brig Lovely Ann of London, Blythe Master

Dec 19, 1826

" 19th
Jane Quintall left the Island in the brig Lovely Ann


Jan 31, 1827

Jany 31st
Abraham B. son of Edward and Dinah Quintall born

Feb 1, 1827
Apr 1, 1827

Feb. 1st April 1st
George Adams & Polly Young married.

Jul 21, 1827

July 21st
Caroline daughter of Arthur and Catharine Quintall born

Nov 10, 1827

Nov 10th
John son of George and Polly Adams born.

Dec 4, 1827

Dec. 4th
William Mayhew son of William & Elizabeth Young born

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