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Revised May 30 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 5, 1815-1823

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1815 & 1816

Hugh McCoy, Maria Christian, Arthur Quintal and Peggy Christian born.


Arrived Ship Sultan of Boston, Folger [Reynolds] Master
Jane [Jenny} one of the Tahitian women brought here by the Bounty left the Island in this ship.
William Quintall born.

Arrived, ship Sultan of Boston, Capt. Reynolds.
Jenny, a Tahitian woman, left here in the Sultan.

1818 & 1819

Charles Christian, Mary Christian, Matthew McCoy and Kitty Quintall born.


John Quintall & T. O. Christian born


Margaret Christian, Frederic Young, Martha Quintal, Charlotte Quintal & Jane McCoy born


Simon Young and Mayhew Young born
Mayhew Young died aged about 9 months

Dec 10, 1823

Dec. 10.
Arrived Ship Cyrus of London John Hall Master
John Buffett and John Evans came on shore to reside, the former as schoolmaster.

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