Pitcairn Island - the early history


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John C. Dalrymple Hay, Midshipman, HMS Imogene

Dec 8, 1838†

We sailed for Pitcairn's Island on the 8th of December 1838†. We could not anchor. The natives swam off and enjoyed a visit to the ship. They were exceedingly well conducted, and the island produced enough for their simple wants. They were healthy, and two of the original arrivals with the Bounty were still alive. I was not very well, and unable to land, but the captain and several officers did so. We deported from the island a gentleman*, a member of an English University, who, having spent all his money, had obtained a passage in an American whaler and landed about two years before. He had persuaded the islanders to maintain him and appoint him their schoolmaster, but he was not well calculated for the post, and his wants were found to be a heavy tax upon the inhabitants. On the passage to Valparaiso he regaled us with anecdotes of high life, and would seem on his own showing to have been a boon companion of Frederick, Duke of York, beginning many of his stories with "When I was sipping my Clos Vougeot with His Royal Highness." He landed at Valparaiso, and we saw him no more. This was some years before the removal of the Pitcairn Islanders to Norfolk Island which had such unfortunate results. At the time of our visit the community was most interesting, and the simple Christianity which they professed and practised seemed to guide them in all the transactions of their daily life. I give the statistical account of the island at the time of our visit.

* [The man being deported was Joshua Hill.]
† [The year should be 1837. Most sources say 1837, and the table below, which appears in the appendix, is dated Dec 8, 1837.]

George Adams113...1075
Charles Christian1...............1
Charles Christian, Jun.11............2
Fletcher Christian1122716
Sarah M'Coy...1............1
Her son and family11321057
Thursday Christian1...11963
His mother...1............1Isabella or Mainmast.
Arthur Quintal1133141 m.8
Edward Quintal1142153 m.8
His mother...1............1
Arthur Quintal11............2
Hanah Young...1231386
Her daughter
and son-in-law
John Quintal, 1st111486 m.7
John Quintal, 2nd11............2
John Quintal, 3rd1...............1
William Young11141367
George Nobbs113279 m.7An Englishman married to one of Christian's grandchildren.
John Evans113296 m.7An Englishman married to Adams' youngest daughter.
John Buffett115...1227An Englishman married to Christian's daughter.
His sister-in-law
and mother-in-law
...2............2Susan; Tahitian
