Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Pitcairn Island Register 1837-1839


Feb 4, 1837

Feb. 4th. Ellen Quintall born.

Jun 19, 1837

June 19th. Robert Young born.

Jul 10, 1837

July 10th. Jane M’Coy born.

Aug 6, 1837

Aug. 6th. Daniel [Dinah] Evans born. Caleb Quintall born.

Oct 22, 1837

Oct. 22nd. Arthur Quintall married Martha Quintal.

Nov 5, 1837

Nov. 5th. John Quintall married Dinah Young.

Nov 7, 1837

“ 7th. Nathaniel Quintall born.

Nov 18, 1837

“ 18th. Robert Young died.

Dec 16, 1837

Dec. 16th. Andrew Christian born and died.


Jun 13, 1838

June 13th. Maria L. Christian born.

Jul 4, 1838

July 4th. Ann M. [N.] Nobbs born.

Jul 31, 1838

“ 31st. Edward [Edmund] J. Quintall born.

Aug 11, 1838

Aug 11th. Dinah M’Coy born.

Nov 5, 1838

Nov. 5th. John Quintall received a dangerous wound, by falling from a rock, while catching a goat.

Nov 14, 1838

“ 14th. Maria Quintall born.

Nov 24, 1838

“ 24th. John Quintall died, aged twenty-seven, of lock-jaw, in consequence of a wound in the foot.

Nov 29, 1838

“ 29th. Arrived H. M. S. Fly, Captain Russel Elliott, with a present from Rev. Mr. Rowlandson and congregation at Valparaiso. Capt. Elliott proposed electing a chief magistrate, which was adopted, and Edward Quintall was chosen, and sworn in.

Nov 29, 1838

This island was taken possession of by Capt. Elliot, on behalf of the Crown of Great Britain, on the 29th of November.

Dec 23, 1838

Dec. 23rd. John Quintall born.


Jan 2, 1839

Jan. 2nd. Edward Quintall re-elected chief magistrate. Fletcher Christian and William Quintall elected councilors.

Feb 6, 1839

Feb. 6th. William Young died, aged forty.

Mar 24, 1839

March 24th. Thursday 0. Christian married Polly Young.

Jul 5, 1839

July 5th. Joseph Quintall born.

Jul 12, 1839

“ 12th. Martha Evans born.

Sep 1, 1839

Sept. 1st. Edward [Edmund] J. Quintall died of croup.

Sep 22, 1839

“ 22nd. James Wingate J. Nobbs born.

Nov 3, 1839

Nov. 3rd. Catherine Christian born.

Nov 9, 1839

“ 9th. Arrived H. M. S. Sparrow-hawk, Capt. J. Shepherd, at 11 A. M. The captain, several officers, and General Friere, ex-president of Chili, landed. In the afternoon the school children were examined; and received the approbation of our respected visitors. Capt. Shepherd afterwards divided some valuable presents amongst them.

Nov 10, 1839

“ 10th. Capt. Shepherd and his officers attended Divine service twice. At 5 P.M. they went on board.

Nov 11, 1839

“ 11th. Capt. Shepherd returned on shore, and several cases were submitted to him for decision.

Nov 12, 1839

“ 12th. In the afternoon all the inhabitants were assembled in the school-house, and Capt. Shepherd addressed them on various subjects connected with their welfare. He then distributed rewards among the children of the school, according to their respective merits. In the evening H. M. S. Sparrow-hawk sailed.

Dec 3, 1839

Dec. 3rd. M’Coy born, but soon died.

Dec 4, 1839

“ 4th. The above-named infant interred.

Dec 7, 1839

“ 7th. Joseph Napoleon Quintall born.

Dec 13, 1839

“ 13th. Isabella Emily Christian born.

Dec 30, 1839

“ 30th. L. Victoria Rose Quintall born.


52 scholars attend the public school 106 inhabitants: 53 males, 53 females.

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