Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Pitcairn Island Register 1830-1836


Jan 19, 1830

Jan. 19th. Martha Young born.

Mar 15, 1830

March 15th. Arrived, H. M. S.Seringapatam, Capt. Hon. W. M. Waldegrave, with a present of clothing and agricultural implements and tools from the British Government.

Mar 20, 1830

“ 20th. R. P. Buffett born.

Apr 7, 1830

April 7th. Rebecca Christian born.

Jun 19, 1830

June 19th. Isaac [Josiah] Adams born.

Aug 3, 1830

Aug. 3rd. W. Evans born.

Aug 18, 1830

“ 18th. Philip M’Coy born.

Sep 19, 1830

Sept. 19th. Reuben E. Nobbs born.


Feb 28, 1831

Feb. 28th. Arrived H M. Sloop Comet, Alexander A. Sandilands; and barque Lucy Anne of Sydney, Government vessel, J. Currey, master, for the purpose of removing the inhabitants of Pitcairn’s Island to Tahiti.

Mar 6, 1831

March 6th. All the inhabitants of Pitcairn’s Island embarked on board the above named vessel, and sailed for Tahiti.

Mar 21, 1831

“ 21st. Arrived at Tahiti; on the passage, Lucy Anne Quintall was born. Soon after our arrival at Tahiti, the Pitcairn people were taken sick.

Apr 21, 1831

April 2lst. ChristianThursday 0. Christian died.

Apr 24, 1831

“ 24th. John Buffett and family, Robert Young, Joseph Christian, Edward Christian, Charles Christian (3rd), Matthew Quintall and Frederick Young, sailed from Tahiti in a small schooner; but, owing to contrary winds, the aforesaid persons landed at Lord Hood’s Island, and the schooner returned to Tahiti.

Apr 25, 1831

" 25th. Lucy Anne Quintall died.

Apr 29, 1831

“ 29th. Prudence, a native of Tahiti, died.

May 4, 1831

May 4th. George Young died.

May 15, 1831

“ 15th. Kitty Quintall (2nd), died.

May 16, 1831

“ 16th. Polly Christian died.

Jun 3, 1831

June 3rd. Edward Christian died at Lord Hood’s Island.

Jun 4, 1831

“ 4th. Jane M’Coy died.

Jun 6, 1831

“ 6th. Nancy Quintall born.

Jun 8, 1831

“ 8th. Kitty Quintall (1st) died.

Jun 9, 1831

“ 9th. Nancy, a native of Tahiti, died.

Jun 21, 1831
Jun 27, 1831

“ 21st. John Buffett and the others on Lord Hood’s Island embarked in the French brig Bordeaux Packet, and on the 27th landed upon Pitcairn’s island During our absence, our hogs have gone wild, and destroyed our crops. After we returned, we employed ourselves in destroying the hogs.

Jun 25, 1831

“ 25th. Charles Christian (2nd) died.

Jun 27, 1831

“ 27th. Daniel M’Coy (2nd) and Hugh M’Coy died.

Aug 7, 1831

Aug. 7th. Sun eclipsed.

Aug 12, 1831

“ 12th. Charles D. Christian born.

Aug 18, 1831

" 18th. Robert Young died at Pitcairn’s island.

Sep 2, 1831

Sept. 2nd. American brig, Charles Dagget, of Salem, with the remainder of the Pitcairn people from Tahiti, arrived.

Nov 6, 1831

Nov. 6th. Edward Young died.

Nov 24, 1831

" 24th. Joseph Christian died.


May 30, 1832

May 30th. Benjamin C. Christian born.

Aug 30, 1832

Aug. 30th. Esther Nobbs born.

Sep 15, 1832

Sept. 15th. Daniel M’Coy died.

[The only person born on Pitcairn who died in 1832 was Daniel McCoy (1792), whose death is noted below.]

Sep 16, 1832

" 16th. Dorcas and Lydia Young (twins), born.

Dec 26, 1832

Dec. 26th. Daniel M’Coy, Sen., died.

Dec 28, 1832

“ 28th. M’Coy, Jun., born.


Jan 17, 1833

Jan. 17th. John Quintall married to Maria Christian. Fletcher Christian married to Peggy Young [Christian] M’Coy. Mary Evans born.

Jun 10, 1833

June 10th. Eliza Quintall born.

Sep 1, 1833

Sept. 1st. Fletcher C. Nobbs born.

Sep 24, 1833

“ 24th. Jacob Christian born. Sarah M’Coy died.

Nov 5, 1833

Nov 5th. Susan Quintall born.


Apr 5, 1835

April 5th. Sarah Quintall born.

May 3, 1835

May 3rd.

Sep 7, 1835

Sept. 7th. Frances M. Nobbs born.

Nov 27, 1835

Nov. 27th. Edward Buffett born.

Dec 23, 1835

Dec. 23rd. George F. M. Evans born.


Jan 17, 1836

Jan. 17th. Henry. J. Quintall born.

Jun 17, 1836

June 17th. Absolem Quintall born.

Oct 6, 1836

Oct. 6th. Jane A. Nobbs born.

Oct 30, 1836

“ 30th. Charles Christian married Charlotte Quintall; Matthew M’Coy married Margaret Christian.

Nov 10, 1836

Nov. 10th. Polly Christian born.

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