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Revised May 25 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jul. 17, 1789

Remarks Friday 17th July 1789

Ditto Weather. Employed about the Vessel. Every assistance is given to Mr. Nelson but he remains extremely ill.

I got the following account to day of the time the Dutch made their settlements among these Islands.

January   1st — 1681 — Ternate conquered.
         14th — 1644 — Malacca   Do.
February 23d  — 1605 — Ambon     Do.
April    20th — 1630 — Coupang in Timor Do.
July      2nd — 1609 — Began Trade with Japan
         15th — 1664 — Macassar conquered.
August   13th — 1609 — Banda       Do. 
July     15th — 1662 — Malabar     Do.
May      30th — 1619 — Batavia     Do. 
April     6th — 1652 — Cape Good Hope settled.

Also their Geographical situation of Places counting the first meridian from the Pic of Tenariff.

Cape of Good Hope ........................ 33°.. 55′So. .....  34 .. 36 E.
Amboina – Casteel Victoria ...............  3 .. 40     ..... 145 .. 55
Banda – Casteel Belgica ..................  4 .. 35     ..... 147 .. 20
Ternaten – Casteel Oranje ................  0 .. 45 No. ..... 144 .. 00
Macassar – Casteel Rotterdam .............  5 .. 00 So. ..... 136 .. 50
Banjer in Borneo .........................  2 .. 40     ..... 131 .. 40
Pontiana in Do. ..........................  0 .. 30     ..... 135 .. 30
Timor – Casteel Concordia ................ 10 .. 11     ..... 138 .. 20
Palembang in Sumatra .....................  2 .. 40     ..... 120 ..  3
Padang in      Do. .......................  0 .. 45     ..... 116 ..  5
Japan – Nangasaki ........................ 33 .. 00 No. ..... 148 .. 40
Malacca – Casteel Malacca ................  3 .. 10     ..... 148 .. 45
Cormandel – Negapatnam ................... 10 .. 40     .....  95 .. 40
Ceylon – Colombo .........................  7 .. 00     .....  95 .. 30
Mallabar – op Cochin .....................  0 .. 50 No. .....  92 .. 00 E
Souratte ................................. 21 .. 10     .....  88 .. 00
Java – op Samaran ........................  6 .. 55 So. ..... 127 .. 30
Cheribon – Casteel de Bescherming ........  6 .. 50     ..... 124 .. 15
Bantam – Casteel Speelwyck ...............  6 ..  5     ..... 121 .. 20
Batavia – Casteel Diamans ................  6 .. 10     ..... 122 .. 47

Several Prows have arrived this week loaded with Sandle Wood and Bees Wax, which was all landed at the Chinese Stores. These industrious and busy people have a part of the Town allotted to them that is next to the Sea Side and is called the Camp. They are under a Captain and are quiet and good Citizens. Almost all the Vessels belong to them and through these People all the Trade of this place is carried on.

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