Revised 2010-04-13
1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. I this afternoon examined my Store of Bread, and found 19 days allowance according to my former issues of 1/24 pound three times a day to each person. I therefore told every one that they should now have their allowance as usual for Supper.
8:00 pm Fresh Gale constantly bailing.
10:00 pm Much Sea.
4:00 am Cold and Wet
6:00 am Heavy Complaints of distress
8:00 am Served 1/24 pound Bread and water for Breakfast.
9:00 am Many Tropic Gulls, sheerwaters and flying fish.
12:00 pm Fresh Gales and
Squally with much
sea from the NE.
Served 1/24 pound Bread and water for Dinner and Clams.
Steered WNW to prevent us from shipping so much Sea.
Constantly wet and Bailing. In the afternoon I took the opportunity of examining again my Store of Bread, and I found I had 19 days allowance at my former Rate of issuing 1/24 pound three times a day. I therefore now saw I had every prospect of making my passage in Time and granted an allowance for Supper.
We passed the night miserably wet and cold, and in the morning I heard heavy complaints at our deplorable Situation. The Sea was high and breaking over us. I could only afford the allowance of Bread and Water for Breakfast but for Dinner I gave about an ounce of dryed clams to each person which was all that remained. At noon I altered my course to the WNW to keep more from the Sea while it blows so strong.