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Revised Jun 5 2021

Edward Edwards Testimony, Fri, Sep 14, 1792

Captain EDWARD EDWARDS, of the Royal Navy, called in and Sworn.

Examined by the Court—

Q.Inform the Court the Conversation that passed between you and Coleman, Peter Heywood and George Stewart when they came on board the "Pandora"?

A. Joseph Coleman attempted to come on board before the Ship came to an Anchor at Otaheite— he was soon afterwards taken up by Canoes, and came on board before the Ship came to an Anchor. I began to make Enquiries of him after the "Bounty" and her People. He informed us that some of the People were at a Place Called Mativy, near the Place where the Ship Anchor'd at, and the others had sailed from Mativy in a Schooner that had been built by the "Bounty's" People; he gave me an Account likewise of the Master at Arms, or Ship's Corporal, having been Murdered by Thompson, another of the People belonging to the "Bounty"; he likewise gave an Account that the "Bounty" had been twice at Otaheite since she had been out of the Possession of Captain Bligh; that the last time after the People were landed she went away in the Night and was seen in the Morning in a N. W. direction. To the best of my recollection he seemd to be ready to give me any Information that I asked of him. The next who came on board, were Stewart and Peter Heywood; they came after the Ship was at an Anchor but before any Boat was on Shore. I did not see them Come alongside. Lieutenant Larkin reported to me that they were come on board and I desired Mr. Larkin to bring them down to the Cabin. I asked them what News. Peter Heywood I think said he supposed I had heard of the Affair of the "Bounty." I don't recollect all the Conversation that passed between us; he sometimes interrupted me by asking for Mr. Hayward, the Lieutenant of the "Pandora," whether he was on Board or not; he had heard that he was; at last I acknowledged that he was, and I desired him to come out of my Stateroom, where I had desired him to go into, as he happened to be with me at the time.

Lieutenant Hayward treated him with a sort of contemptuous look, and began to enter into Conversation with him respecting the "Bounty," but I called the Centinel in to take them into Custody, and order'd Lieutent. Hayward to desist, and I order'd them to be put into Irons; some Words passed and Peter Heywood said he hoped he should be able to vindicate his Conduct. The next who was brought on board was Skinner, who came on board about the third Day. The next that came on board were Thomas Ellison, James Morrison, Charles Norman; they were brought on board by the Party whom I sent for them.

Cross-examined by MICHAEL BYRN—

Q. Did you, or any of your commissioned warrant, or petty Officers or Seamen, bring Me on board the "Pandora" as a Prisoner?

A. No, I did not understand that any of them did.

Q. Did you know at what part of the Island I was when the "Pandora" anchored in Mativy Bay?

A. No, I did not exactly, but I heard it was at some Distance from the Place.

Q. Was not I introduced into your Cabin to you by some of your Officers?

A. It is probable that he was, but I do not recollect whether I first saw him on the Quarter Deck, or in my Cabin. It is an Omission that Byrn was mentd. in my Letter to the Admiralty, as one who was brought on board, for he came on board.

By the COURT—

Q. Did the Prisoner Byrn on his first interview with you say that he came from Papara, a Distant Place, and that he had walked all Night to join the Ship?

A. I do not particularly recollect the Place, but I believe he did say that he came from a distant Place, and that he had travelled in the Night.

The Witness withdrew.

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