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Revised Jun 5 2021

John Smith Testimony, Fri, Sep 14, 1792

JOHN SMITH, a Seaman lately belonging to the "Bounty," called in and Sworn.

Examined by the Court—

Q. Inform the Court of all the Circumstances within your knowledge respecting His Majesty's armed Vessel "Bounty" being run away with?

Apr 28, 1789

A. I was called up between five and six o'Clock on the Morning of the 28th of April, 1789, to the best of my Knowledge by Thomas Hall, and he told me that I was wanted Aft upon the Quarter Deck. When I went aft Captain Bligh stood upon the Quarter Deck in his shirt; Mr. Christian had him by the left Hand and a Cutlass in his right and he ordered me to bring up his Cloaths. I went and brought up his Cloaths, put on his Trowsers and laid his Jacket over his Shoulders and Christian then ordered me to bring up a Bottle of rum and serve every Man under Arms with a Glass round— I served Mr. Christian first, to the best of my Knowledge, then I went forwards and served William McKoy and John Williams; I returned into the Waste [waist] on the Starboard Side and I served several, but I am not positive who they were; I then came Aft upon the Quarter Deck and served some more of them—Thomas Ellison I served a Glass to; then I went down with the Bottle and did not come any more upon Deck, but the Captain went over the Side, to the best of my remembrance—I was in the Captain's Cabin getting his Cloaths out with Mr. Samuel, who was getting his private Papers out. The Centries below between the Captain's Cabin and Mr. Fryer's were John Sumner and Matthew Quintal. I remained below till the Captain was ordered over the side and then I came up with some Twine in my Hand and went across the Ship to go into the Boat. I put the twine into the Boat and went into her myself and she was dropped astern.

Q. Did you give a Dram to any of the Prisoners?

A. I gave Coleman a Dram in a Tin pot. I offered Peter Heywood some but he refused it.

Q. Where was he standing?

A. He was standing with his Hands in his Pockets, and his Back towards the Windlass. I gave Ellison a Dram. I gave Thomas Burkitt a Dram and one to John Millward.

Q. Did any Person go into the Boat after you went into her?

A. Not to my Knowlege.

Q. How long was the Boat alongside after you was in her?

A. She was veered a stern immediately.

Q. Did you hear Christian order any Body into the Boat?

A. Not to my knowlege.

Q. Was you ordered into the Boat?

A. No.

Q. Did you assist in hoisting the Launch out?

A. No, I did not see her hoisted out.

Q. In what Station were you on board?

A. As Captain's Servant at the time.

Q. Who ordered you to go down into the Cabin to get the Captain's Cloaths?

A. I went down with the Bottle and Mr. Christian ordered me to get the Captain's Cloaths out.

Q. How long was it after the Mutiny was begun before you served the Dram to the People?

A. Immediately after I put the Captain's Cloaths on; I can't recollect how long the Mutiny had begun, for I was in my Hammock.

Q. Where was Coleman standing when you gave him the Dram?

A. He was forward by the Booms.

Q. Was he armed?

A. No.

Q. Had Mr. Heywood any Arms in his Hands?

A. No.

Q. Was he doing any thing or was he in Conversation with any body?

A. Not to my Knowlege.

Q. Did you see Morrison on that Day at all?

A. Yes.

Q. In what Part of the Ship did you see him?

A. I do not recollect.

Q. Had he any Arms in his Hands?

A. No.

Q. Did you see Charles Norman on that Day?

A. Yes.

Q. What was he doing?

A. I do not recollect.

Q. When you served the Dram to Ellison what was he doing?

A. He was standing with a Musquet in his Hand.

Q. In what Part of the Ship?

A. Before the Mizen Mast to the best of my Knowlege.

Q. Did you see McIntosh that Day?

A. Yes.

Q. What was he doing when you saw him?

A. He was standing by the booms, to the best of my Knowlege.

Q. Had he any Arms in his Hands?

A. Not as I know of.

Q. Did you see Muspratt?

A. I do not recollect seeing him that Morning.

Q. Where was Burkitt when you saw him?

A. On the Fore part of the Quarter Deck to the best of my Knowlege.

Q. Was he under Arms?

A. Yes—he had a Musquet in his Hand.

Q. What was Millward doing?

A. He stood with a Musquet in his Hand upon the after ladder, to the best of my Knowlege.

Q. Did you hear Captain Bligh speak to either of the Prisoners on that Morning at the time you were near them?

A. No.

Cross-examined by JAMES MORRISON—

Q. Do you recollect when you came forward with the Bottle that abaft the Windlass Mr. Cole and me were speaking together— that you gave Mr. Cole a Glass into a tin pot and said, "Morrison, you may as well have a drop, tho' I am ordered to serve none but the Centries?"

A. I do not recollect a Word of it.

Cross-examined by WILLIAM MUSPRATT—

Q. Did you know on that Morning of the Mutiny any Person to come down abaft and get a Bottle of Rum to serve the Ship's Company with Glasses besides yourself?

A. Not to my Knowlege.

Cross-examined by JOHN MILLWARD—

Q. Do you recollect the Person who took Captain Bligh's Case up from you and the other Necessaries that were handed up, for the good of them that were going into the Boat?

A. No—I do not recollect who they were.

The Witness withdrew.

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