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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Sep 23, 1789

H K F Courses Winds Remarks Wednesday 23 Sept'r. 1789
13"SWbSNModerate & Hazy Wr.
424Anchored in 2 fms. the Extremes of the Road from WbN½N to E½S the Church Steeple SE 1½ Mile High land of Samaran S½W and the Governors House S½E. Found riding here about 20 Sail square rig'd Vessels with several Sloops and prows.
5""I went on Shore
8"""SSEDischarged John Hendrick Pilot
3"SSWFair Wr.
8"""EbSLight Airs and Hazy. Hauld along side of a Snow and got the Main Mast out & sent it on Shore.
11"""EbSA Galley came off to go with me to Batavia on Board which I sent the Master & Carpenter & discharged the prows belonging to Samabya [Sourabaya]
Latitude Long'de West
CourseDist.Obsd.D Rof Coupang


The Shoalness of the Water makes the Road of Samarang very inconvenient as you are obliged to lye so far from the Shore and for Boats it is not less so, as only at half or three quarters flood can a Ships Boat get into the River or within half a Mile of the Shore.

I found a difficulty in landing this afternoon however after some trouble we got the Boat track'd into the River which is very like that of the Settlement of Passerwang low swampy ground covered with low Bushes about which lie dead Annimals very Offensive to every one The River is about 20 Yards broad forms a Serpentine course and on its banks as you advance towards the Town are many Hutts which are the dwellings of inferior people.

At One Mile from the Water side is the residence of the Equipage Master with whom every person who lands is obliged to have the first interview. He met me on my landing and ordered his Voiture to carry me to the Governor. During the time it was getting ready many enquires were made but with so much indelicacy who I was & where I came from, that I was under the necessity to tell them I would give them no information but desired the carriage to be brought to carry me to the Governor, for I understand it is kept for the convenience of the Master Attendant to conduct those there who may arrive and are obliged to pay their respects to him.

The residence of the Governor is near two Miles from the Town I had however by a half past 5 the honor to see his Excellency who received me with neither good humour or much politeness. He could only speak dutch and the Master Attendant very bad French and understood as little.

His Excellency therefore desired me to dine with him on tomorrow. I made my wants to be understood which were a Main Mast and some Water with a liberty to be supplied with some fresh meat and Vegetables & these where granted. Also a Galley to go with me to Batavia.

On my return to Town I met a Gentleman Mons. le Baron de Bose lately a Captain of Cavallrie [Dutch: Cavalerie] and now a Merchant of disti[n]ction whose Brother is the Commandant des Troupes at Sourabya. The latter having made me known to this Gentleman who with great politeness insisted on my taking up my abode at his House during my stay a circumstance which became desirable to me.

The Fiscal I was informed and several others were to go on Board of me in the Morning to see what kind of Vessel and whether I had any contraband goods on board or not. I therefore about half past 5 went on board with them, and returned about Nine O'Clock for they were soon perfectly satisfied without making any search a circumstance also I had a right not to allow, but as the Visit was made politely I took no power to object it.

Towards Noon Mons. de Bose having given me the use of his Carriage, I set out accompanied by a Gentleman Mr. Bronkhorst to dine with the Governor, and I found the party who were to join us to consist only of the Officer of the Guard and a person of the Name of Grose with his wife. The latter Gentleman became troublesome and impertinent in his enquiries, and I found his ignorance leading him on so far that I was under the Necessity to put a Stop to it and being chastized he behaved better afterwards.

The loss of my Ship and my transactions since that made the whole of the conversation and I presented a written account of the whole that nothing might be misunderstood. The Governor had therefore only to get it translated into Dutch which I desired he would, as it was on the Service of the King of England, wherein I had requested in his Majestys Name, that orders might be given to the different Dutch Settlements to secure the pirates wherever they might appear.

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