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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 16, 1793

H M Ship Providence from Jamaica towards [England – 1793]

Remarks June Sunday 16th

 1 pm: Light Airs and Squally with Rain

 2 pm: In 1st Reefs

 4 pm: Moderate breezes with heavy rain set steering Sails – Nigril by North bearing North Extremes of the West End of Jamaica EbS to EbS½S 11 Leagues distant – moderate breeze & cloudy A Strange Sail from the Mast head in the NNE

 8 pm:* Officer does not Report it, 3d Lieutenant [Tobin is 3d Lieutenant]
[This note has a dashed line running down to 5 am, and the Remarks column is blank. The remarks I show for this hour and for 10 pm are in the Course and Winds columns.]
Ditto Weather In steering Sails

10 pm: Fresh Gale and cloudy with Lightning in the SW Quarter

 6 am: At Day dawn Cayman Brack from the Mast head bearing WNW – out 2d Reefs – at ¼ past 6 Cay,man Brack from the Deck NWbN¾W to NWbW¼W Top or 6 Leagues – At 7..53 East Point a perpendicualr Head N6°W 4 or 5 Miles – at 8 Extremes of Cayman brack N80W to n5°E Distant from the Eastern Extreme 3 or 4 Miles – Many flying fish & Boobies seen – At 9..25 Saw Little Caymana bearing N64°W distant about 5 Miles to N89W 8 or 9 Miles – Out all Reefs & set steering Sails – Mustered the Ships Company in Divisions & Exercised great Guns – at 10..50 Eastern Poing of the Little Caymana NbE 10 or 11 Miles – Western Point n50°W about 8 Miles distant – At Noon fresh breezes and cloudy weather – Western Point of Little Caymana North 5 Leagues Eastern Land in sight NbE½E about 6 Leagues distant – Ships in Company as yesterday

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