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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 5-7, 1793

H M Ship Providence Moored in Bluefields Bay [Jamaica 1793]

Remarks Wednesday June 5th


Wednesday 5th First and latter part fresh breezes and fair weather with haze middle part moderate breeze with much Lightning – At 1 PM fired 21 Guns in Honor of H Majestys birth day – at 3 weighed to shift our berth – at ½ past brought up with the small Bower in 5 fathom water, white sand and Chalky bottom – veered away and moored Ship SE & NW half a Cable each way – Tavern at Bluefields bearing EbN about 1½ miles distant – Shipping in Savannah La Mar WNW Westermost part of the Bay W¾N and the Eastermost part SEbS – sounded 7 fathoms of the small Bower – AM at 4 sent the Launch on shore with empty water Casks and a party in the cutter to haul the Sein – At 8 the Cutter returned with very few fish – Received a turn of water per Launch – Unbent the Main Sail – Washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit decks – Sailmakers making Skreens for the Officers births – The Dolphin head bearing N33°..30′W when moored

Thursday 6th First and Latter parts fresh breezes and fair with haze – middle part light breezes with Lightning to the Southward & Westward – PM unbent the small Sails and sent empty Casks on shore – Cooper employed on shore repairing Casks – AM Sailmakers employed making Skreens for the Officers births – Cleaned below – sent a turn of empty Casks on shore per Launch – Sent a Party to gather water Cresses, & served them to the Ships Company – Carpenter employed occasionally, and people drawing Yarns, spinning Yarn &c

Friday 7th First and latter part fresh breezes with haze – middle part light breezes with Lightning to the Southward & variable weather PM Received a turn of water per Launch – employed stowing it away – Anchored here the Ship Jamaica from Savannah La Mar to join convoy – AM Sent the Launch to Black River, & the Large cutter with a Partie to haul the Seine – The Jolly Boat to gather water cresses – At 6 loosed Sails at 8 the Partie returned with about 30 pound of different kinds of fish. Sailmakers employed fixing the Skreens & repairing the small Sails – Exercised great Guns & small Arms – served water cresses to the Ships Company – People fixing slings to the fore yard – Anchored here the William & Charlotte from Savannah La Mar to join convoy – Confined Joseph Thompson Seaman for contempt

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