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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 23, 1793

H M Ship Providence from St Helena towards St. Vincents – 1793

Remarks Wednesday January 23d

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather – at 2..30 St. Vincents from N48W to N24W St. Lucia N8W to N17W at [blank] Martinica N4W – at 3 center of St. Lucia N5°W overhauled a range of the Cables – at 4 St. Vincents N36°W to S64°W distance 6 or 7 Miles – St Lucia N7W to N8°E Granadines S22°W to S48°W – at 5..30 made the signal with a gun for a Pilot which was repeated by the Assistant .. at ¾ past brought too a french sloop – hoisted out the Yaul & got a Pilot from her – in 2d Reefs Topsails and bore away – the sloop and Assistant leading – off shore about 2 Miles – at 7..30 sounded in 27 fathoms dark sand, Coyequa bearing NBW ½ Mile at 8 St Vincents from EBS to NBW. Coyequa EBN off shore two miles, no soundings, with 40 fathom of Line – at 10 30 brought up with the small Bower in Kingston Bay, with a sandy bottom 25 fathom – furled Sails and steadied the Ship with a Kedge to the Eastward – Sent Lieutenant Guthrie to report the arrival of the Ship – AM Light breezes with Rain and thick hazy weather – at 9 tripped the Kedge – at 10..30 weighed and warped farther in shore & brought up with the small Bower in 15 fathom water, black sand & mud veered to the whole Cable Service – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer – Found in the Bay a number of Merchant Ships

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