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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 5-7, 1792

H M Ship Providence moored in Coupang Bay [Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Remarks &c

Friday October 5th First part fresh Breezes and fair – middle Light airs and fine, latter moderate breezes and fair but fresh at times – PM employed hoisting in water and stowing it away – Carpenter stocking, and seamen puddening the Anchor – AM out parties to wood and water – employed in the holds, and sending empty casks on shore – Sailed for Batavia the dutch Snow – received fresh beef and a few Greens – supplied the Assistant wtih 31 pounds – The Butcher went daily on shore to kill the Beef which tho' lean, was sweet and tender

Saturday October 6th First part fresh breezes and fair weather – middle moderate – latter part Light breezes – PM received a turn of wood per Whale boat & water per country craft – After night received a turn of water per Launch – AM employed stowing the holds, and some hands about the rigging – Received fresh beef & greens, supplied the Assistant with 57 pounds

Sunday October 7th Fresh breezes and fair with Squalls at times received a small quantity of wood per Assistants Launch – People employed wooding watering and in the hold – Two small Schoots assisting us in watering with our own people on them – middle part calm and fine clear weather Latter part fresh Gales and fair – At 2 AM sent the Launch and whale boat on to the river to tow the craft on board with water – At 5 AM sent the Parties to wood & water as usual – Up all Chests and Bags and washed the Gun, Orlop, and Cockpit decks received wood per two country craft from Pulo Samow and water by two Schoots employed before – Seamen about the Rigging and in the holds, Received Arrack, and some rice for Sea store – fresh beef ro present use – supplied the Assistant with 36 pounds
   Latitude Observed 10°..09′..18″ South

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