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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 3-4, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Otaheite towards] Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Remarks &c Moored in Coupang Bay – Timor

Wednesday 3d October First part fresh breezes and fair weather middle part Light Airs and fair – Latter part moderate breezes and fair weather – Hoisted out the Pinnace & Captain Bligh went on shore & was saluted by the Fort with 15 Guns – Employed starting water and sending on shore empty casks – Sent a party under the command of a Lieutenant to attend this and other shore duty – got a craft to assist us – down Top Gallant Yards – AM employed as before served fresh Beef and supplied the Assistant with 73 pounds

Thursday 4th October First part moderate breeze and fair weather – middle part Light Airs and cloudy – latter part fresh breezes and fine weather – PM the watering party sent on shore – employed in the hold, repairing the rigging, and sending on shore empty casks – Cooper repairing casks, worm eaten at Otaheite – confined George Thompson for insolence and neglect of duty – AM sent a party of wooders on shore, some Malays bringing the Billets from the wooding place about a mile inland from Coupang – Got the anchor of 1200 pounds purchased at the Cape of good Hope out of the hold, and stowed away the disabled sheet anchor; sent the armourer on shore to the dutch companys Forge to make hoops for the anchor stock – sent the Launch with 100 plant pots, and men to carry them up the Town – Two craft were sent to Pulo Seamow for wood it being very scarce about Coupang – employed about the Rigging in the hold, wooding, watering &c

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