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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 2, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay] Otaheite towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792

August 2d Thursday

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and dark cloudy weather with light showers of rain

 3 pm: In Royals

 5 pm: Rain

 7 pm: Worked the pumps as usual

 8 pm: Cloudy weather with heavy rain – In steering sails – Kept a fire in the Galley all night – at ½ past 9 misting rain and cloudy weather – In two Reefs Fore & Main and 1 of the Mizen Top Sails

12 mid: Moderate breeze and cloudy weather with small Rain

 4 am: Fresh breezes and cloudy with squalls

 6 am: at 6 out Reefs of the Fore & Main Top Sail – Served thick portable Soup gruel for Breakfast – Saw Tropic Birds and flying fish – at 8 strong breeze and dark cloudy weather – In Top Gallant Sails – Cleaned below and got up all wet cloaths to dry – set up the Stoves in the fore & after cockpits and aired ship with fires Served Krout as usual, Borecole and portable Soup in the Pease for dinner, broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer – people employed fitting Lines and Cords for the Boats – Sailmaker repairing the old Main Top Gallant Sail – Carpenters as yesterday – at noon dark cloudy weather with strong breezes Sun set was seen
   Latitude Observed 18..42 South
   Assistant in Company

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