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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 1, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay [Otaheite towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Remarks Wednesday August 1st

 1 pm: Light airs with drizling rain and dark cloudy weather – surveyed worn out rope per orders

 5 pm: At 5 the Assistant made the signal for seeing Land; answered it – The weather clearing up saw Savage Island from the Topmast head bearing WBS½S 5 or 6 Leagues – at 8 dark cloudy weather

10 pm: at 10 small Rain

12 mid: Thick weather

 1 am: Light breeze and small rain

 5 am: Very dark cloudy weather with small rain

 6 am: Cloudy set the fore and fore topmast Steering Sails – Served thick portable soup gruel for breakfast at 8 light breezes and cloudy. cleaned below and got up all wet cloaths to dry set royals and Top Gallant Steering Sails – Served Slops to the Ships Company – Sailmaker on the old Main Top Gallant Sail – Carpenter repairing the Pinnace and about sashes for the plant house, people making points – served Krout as usual, Bore cole and portable soup in the Pease for dinner – Exercised small Arms with Powder
   Latitude Observed 18..23¾ South

12 noon: At Noon moderate breezes and cloudy weather Assistant in Company

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